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Les g�lules sont les liens. Genre.

16/11/2003 @ 21:25

(Cette entr�e concerne la conclusion de ma petite flame war un peu path�tique. vous pouvez l'ignorer. J'aurais jamais cru que je devais sp�cifier ce genre de chose-l�, mais � la lumi�re des �v�nements r�cents, il para�t que oui.)

Bonsoir. C'est les derniers mots que j'ai � dire sur le sujet, et je les publient (si on me le permet, la Gestapo de la CENSURE DES BLOGS r�de aux alentours!) c'est que c'est une tr�s belle argumentation. Je trouve. Je me suis surpass�e et c'est probablement une des plus belles oeuvres de r�thorique que j'aie � vous montrer.

Voici, comme introduction, l'incisive r�plique de la charmante demoiselle (pour qui j'ai reommand� des accouplements quelque peu exotiques)

" really like the way you contradict yourself all the time, "girl".

You write for yourself, sure, sure. You write only because *you* want to

and you don't give a damn about what other people think, *of cooooourse* you

don't. That's why you write about your pathetic sexual life (sexual

undeath?) for every poor person on the internet to be subjected to. That's

why you seem to crave attention from anybody you can get it from. Then I

give you some attention (and tell you you need help) and you say you don't

care. I think you should really think about some of the problems you've

got. I looked at your deviant art, and I really love the way you hate

pretty people and sexy girls, but you post pictures of yourself (!?) in a

bikini (?!). Nice touch.

So just be happy with the attention you get and shut up. You like it, you

need it....among other things. And as for your last cheap shot....don't

worry, I'm not the sexually frustrated one here. I just don't like reading

about other people's bad attemps at attention whoring. So see you later,

and I hope you have fun with yourself, because with that attitude you have,

I don't think anyone else would want to....

Thanks for your brilliant and witty conversation. You opened my eyes.


"You're just a drone, a brainless, identityless and ridiculous bitch who

gives herself the right to judge and command things she has no control over


I really like this part. I like where you presume that just because you are

an outcast, that everyone else is a drone and that they don't think.

I'm not the one who believes the world is at my feet, and I'm judging the

crap you write based on my values, not some stupid prejudices I have on

other people I've never met. I've read what you write, and I don't like it,

because I think it's a ridiculous and pathetic cry for attention, one that I

didn't need to read. And really, telling me I should be fucked by....what

was it? A donkey? Yeah that's real high brow. You're not "sinking to my

level" at all are, you? No, you're not judging me on appearances and

randomly insulting me at aaaaalll.... I really love your contradictions,

and your stupid bitchy sex-deprived assumptions about me.

And of course, you're surprised that someone would react and send you an

email when you make your entire life public?? That's pretty stupid if you

ask me. Your journal is public, and you want the attention, so don't be

surprised when people give it to. And don't be surprised if people aren't

interested that you're not satisfied with your jacking off. We don't care,

I assure you.

Now have a nice day, and I hope you get you problems all worked out.

Remember, there are other people in the world, and not everybody cares about


Charmant, n'est-il pas? Vous en pensez quoi, vous? J'suis vraiment une saloppe pour l'attention? C'est tr�s grave d'osez �crire des choses vraies et personelles? Est-ce qu'on se cr�er un forum de discussion? Voulez-vous que je cr�er une newsletter afin de critiquer chacun des aspects de ma vilaine conscience?.. Enfin, peu importe! Voici ma r�ponse qui est, je vous averti, assez longue (4 pages et demi sur word en caract�re 12):

"'m not sure if you could have filled this with more clich�s, poor judgments and bad argumentation. Let's take a detailed look at it.

To you it looks like the fact i don't care about what people think and the fact that i write about my sexual life is a contradiction. Well i'm trying to find the causal link here, and i can't, i'm sorry. Actually, there is none. This is a very badly exposed argument, since the link is non-existant.

This leaves me unnafected.

Then you say every poor person on the internet is subjected to my pathetic sex life. Well first off, i don't see how my sex life is pathetic, as I'm fulfilled and happy enough to wait for the person i want, and confiant enough to express it without shame.

There, it gets amusing: "for every poor person on the internet to be subjected to". Mh. Yes, of course. My diary sneaks itself on their browers. The most neutral work links them to one of my torpid sexual descriptions. My site jumps onto their screen at their great despair and helplessness. My blog MONOPOLIZES their SIGHT and they are FORCED to CONTEMPLATE it. Oh, tragedy, tragedy! What a terrible crime I commited! How dare I!

Then you say i need help. Oh, do you, charitable angel? Let's look up your last email, to verify this honourable offer:

"I stumbled upon your weblog while searching for some songs lyrics... I

thought I ought to send you this ( ), so you can fuck

off and give us a break... I'm far from an avid fan of your blog, but I

don't think the world gives a shit about your sexual frustrations. Get it

over with. Even though I don't speak nor read french very well (lack of

vocabulary), all I could figure out of your useless ramblings is that you

need to be screwed. So do it. Get it done. For our sake. Thanks."

Mmmmh, no. I call that an insult. That has nothing original, by the way. That claims that the whole world his behind you approving with a vigorous head nodding.

Do you have a Multiple Mersonnalities complex? You refer to "our" at the end of the message. Maybe you need help too? We could go to the same psychologist!

But then, i have enough with one letter to reply to. Let's go on, shall we.

Well you assumed i got problems, that you didn't mentionned. You assumed, in turn, that i had problems, because i needed attention and then i said i don't care. but you assumed too i needed attention. So that's another doubtful causal link.

But inside of this stumbly proposition is the opinion that i need attention...

Well, i think anybody does. But i'm not using this site to get it , I use other devices, instead, that are none of your business. And the proof that i don't use this ste to get attention is that I do't try to *please* anybody on my site. As you yourself experienced, i write some quite graphic sexual depiction that are not necessarly pleasing to the exterior reader.

If i really wanted attention, in my opinion, i'd at least try to be pleasing. My blog would be pink and i'd draw mangas. Now, iM'd get attention.

I'm not sure you have the honnesty to admit my reasonement, thought; i'm kind of wasting my time. But that doesn't matter, i like a good argumentation.

It's sad to know it's all useless as you seem more keen on finding a victim to bash on than really settle a problem out. But that's something to wich we'll get back later.

So. Next.

You seem ashamed that i supposedly, in your own words, "hate pretty people and sexy girls but post picture of myself in a bikini" (love the phrasing, by the way).

Mmmmh you're not flattering your intelligence by bringing that up, because you only expose your radical, shallow and absolutist way of perceiving.

Indeed, i never said i hated pretty people or sexy girls. I love pretty people, when they're pretty inside-out. I love sexy girls, when they got style and brain. It hink i'm a pretty people and a sexy girl, because i'm young, proportionated, have a pretty face and some basic understanding of aesthetics. But see, i can't stand women-objects or men-obhjects. I can't stand people who are mere appearances. I can't stand how some people put images over substance. It's an aberration, a philosophical dead-end.

And I think I made that pretty clear all along. I think i expressed how my bikini picture was a mere display of vanity and that i didn't accord much importance to it. I try to give a personality to all the pretty drawings i do.

And I think if you weren't able to see that, well:

1) either you were too frustrated and invented some poor argument on the moment

2) either you're not too.... mmh.. much of a great analyzer.

But then something strikes me in all that...

The fact that you took the time to go look at my gallery, browse it thoroughly and come back to me with that.

Whoo. That feels a little psycho to me.

I mean.... taking the time to check out that, browse an insanely low site in search of attack points...

It's sad.

Do you have a lot of free times on your hands, girl? Is there a lot of unexpressed anger in your soul that needs a victim?

if it can make you any good, i'm glad i could play that role.

Because i'm touched by your unhappiness. And i want you to learn how to argument correctly too, so next time you want to spurr some poison on someone you can do it intelligently.

But i'm disgressing, let's go on!

So you tell me to be just happy with the attention i get and shut up. Again, the attention! I'm not sure if you're refering to the attention I get in general or the one you graciously provided me. Let's assume it's the latter.

Well your first letter (and the second, to be frank) were quite... mean. And not very .... appropriate. I can't be happy with that, can I? But don't worry, you're far from being the only kind of attention i get. I received lots of letters of people who related to what I wrote and who thanked me for it. I know charming people in real life who calls me up and write me letters and take me out at nights and pay me the beer and the weed. So yes, i'm happy with the attention i get. Following your reasonement, I should then shut up.

But if i'm happy and don't shut up, something is wrong with your argumentation, isn't it?

It means i don't write for attention.

Another beautiful demonstration!

I think i replied vastly enough about how my attitude doesn't repell other people. But as for you not beign sexually frustrated, i still have some doubts. You disaply a lot of thanatos energy in your letters wich is quite demonstrating. Usually, sexually happy people show less signs of unjustified hatred and anger.

I like the contradiction that then follows, and i wouldn't have underlined the fact it is one if you didn't press (quite falsely) that point as much. You say you don't like to read people attempts at whoring for attention..






God. Is it so complicated?

But i'm happy you're persistating. It tells me a lot about yourself and the human nature fascinated me.

It reveals me that you're quite lonely and sad. Instead of happily and wisely ignoring what displeases you, instead of using your time to something more constructive than insulting a stranger whose words displeased you, you're *blaming* that very stranger of something that is, on one hand, extremly subjective (wether or not the world cares for my sexual ramblings) and insulting that stranger with something that is, ma foi, quite clich�: "I'm lacking attention". Tss. You could have tried to be more precise. Maybe, then, i would have been affected. And hurt.

But now i've just passed a very pleasant half hour building a solid argumentation against some very easy attack. It's good practice for more serious confrontations!

Ok, this sounds like a conclusion, but we're not even finished! I don't like half-finished stuff.


"I really like this part. I like where you presume that just because you are

an outcast, that everyone else is a drone and that they don't think."

Because of course conformism is better. You fully demonstrated it, i think! Do i need to stress out again your presumptions and your generalisations? That would be repetitive.

"I'm not the one who believes the world is at my feet"... I don't think i do, neither. At least, i don't go around diarists and requiring them to write what *I* want them to write. I don't know. That still seems a little strange to me.

"I'm judging the

crap you write based on my values, not some stupid prejudices I have on

other people I've never met"

Well that's precisely the problem. Your values aren't everyone's values (thanks god), and about the assertion that you're not judging with "some stupid prejudices i have on other people i've never met"... Oh really? That's why i'm being described as an outcast (let's write "outKAST" it's cooler) and somebody who lacks attention? Those are not stupid prejudices, then? Oh, great! Two easy arguments that have been deemed as not being stupid prejudices by my very master Christine Brown! My debates are going to be waaaaay easier!

" I've read what you write, and I don't like it,

because I think it's a ridiculous and pathetic cry for attention, one that I

didn't need to read. "

Well. Just. Get. Over. It. Then. D'uh.

You didn't have to read it. I'm sorry if you did, but i can't be held responsible for your fully conscious (at least i hope) decision to read it 'til the very end, and i can't be held responsible for your tastes neither. That's life.

"And really, telling me I should be fucked by....what

was it? A donkey? Yeah that's real high brow. You're not "sinking to my

level" at all are, you? No, you're not judging me on appearances and

randomly insulting me at aaaaalll.... I really love your contradictions,

and your stupid bitchy sex-deprived assumptions about me."

No actually, it was a horse, and elephant and a rhinoceros. You were supposed to *lick* the donkey's penis. You should at least cite correctly! Hey, you have the site before your eyes, it's not complicated.

Yes, it very low brow. But when i'm insulted, i insult too. Normal reaction. And i wanted to see if you would RETURN to a journal you DON'T WANT TO READ. I've been proved right, wich helps me a lot for the conclusion of this letter.

I don't think i,m juding your on apperances! I never saw you.

As for my "stupid bitchy sex-deprived assumptions" about you, well i didn't make any assumptions, instead of calling you a few names by what i could easily observe in your tone, use of clich�s and manners.

I still think you should go get fucked by a horse.

Insulting people deserves to be fucked by big animals.

I't's my stake on it.

"And of course, you're surprised that someone would react and send you an

email when you make your entire life public??"

Did i say i was surprised? I don't think i did. And as for making my entire life public, well yes, i admit my views on my intimtiy are unlike those of other people: i really don't care. I have nothing to hide. But i'm not sending emails to stranger to force them to know it. You always had the choice, baby.

"Your journal is public, and you want the attention, so don't be

surprised when people give it to."

my journal is public, yes, but only in the way it's accessible to everybody. I want the attention, well, as i said earlier, that's very discussable. I don't see the link with the surprise, still. As for the "give it to", i find the phrasing funny, once again. And it blurrs the meaning of the sentence a little. But it doesn't matter.

"And don't be surprised if people aren't

interested that you're not satisfied with your jacking off. We don't care,

I assure you."

Well i know you're not interested. But usually, when people are not interested, they do not persist... See where i'm coming from? As for the "We don't care", well, i can only assume you're still referring to those other voices inside your head, because you're really the first person who takes the time and two e-mails to abundantly tells me so!

"Now have a nice day, and I hope you get you problems all worked out."

Well i don't think you really helped me out on my problems. I don't think you singled them accurately. And i don't think you really hope it, neither. It's... sad.. Because I, on my side, would really like to help you out with your problems.

We (me an the psychiatrists) could find you an occupation on your spare time, so you wouldn't waste it on unpleasing strangers like me, and help you live efficiently with your multiple personnalities! Yes, those voices, you hear. "We". Ok, that was a little sarcastic ( i can't help but being) but seriously, there's something wrong with the way you handled all this.

"Remember, there are other people in the world, and not everybody cares about


Well i'm GLAD not everybody does, because i'm sure there are a handful of psychos like you who would force me to write good argumentation for nothing.

Now that the replying is done, i'd just like to say a few words, to finish this letter accurately.

I'm very sad about this incident between us two.

I'm sad not because of the insults, i'm not really shocked by them as they're not reaching any lies i might have about myself. Of course, at first, i was hurt by so much agressivity: i don't like hostility, i'm a sensitive person.

No.... I'm sad, because i think of you.

I think of a girl who's bored enough to start a fight with someone and search through her goddamn gallery because she don't likes what she writes.

I could have understood very well a letter that would have look liked this:

"Dear sir or madam,

i think that your sexual depictions are not appropriate for a public diary. It's not something i'm personally interested in, and i think it's quite indecent.

thank you,


That's ok! That's an opinion.

But you just downright insulted me, used a lot of ugly words, tried to make you look stronger by pretending everybody's on your side and, too, had the arrogance to COMMAND me to STOP WRITING IT.

It's futile. It's a diary. You can't expect anybody to ply down in their most honnest and personnal writings.

A normal person would have understood this and just let it go, thinking "bah, that girl's a loser".

But you... You started a fight.

For quite a trivial motive.

And i'm a little disturbed by what kind of person may do that.

Anyway, this was all i had to say on the subject. As i doubt you're able to write something as elaborated, precise and detached in reply, i won't bother to answer you if you ever want to reply to this. In fact, i will ban your adress and will forget you totally. I want to notice you that this will be posted on my diary too. If you try to spam my guestbook, i will ban you too. If you try to pump up other people against me, i'll contact the responsible of your internet host, provide your IP adress, explain my situation, give proofs, and they'll probably cut off your internet service, in all legality.

I would suggest you forget me, my blog you don't want to read but go to anyway and start thinking about your anger problems.

I'm sorry we have gotten into this ridiculous situation. I don't hate you, since i don't know you. I guess i just don't understand your anger, but i can live with that.

So best regards, C,


(PS I included your letter so you can verify any citation i made.)

(PPS sorry about the lenght, but i had too much fun! :) )"

Et voil�. Je clos l'affaire.


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