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Fds, 2i�me partie et lettre � thespark
02/06/2003 @ 19:04

Je n'avais pas finis mon histoire n'est-ce pas? Je vais vous la r�sum� bri�vement: On s'est rendu chez la m�re de Roselyne, on a mang�, regard� un film un peu idiot, admir� ses trois novueaux chats, protest�s � propos de l'�norme, mais l'�NORME chien puant, un peu fum�, se promener dans MTL, fait du vol � l'�talage (dans mon cas: j'ai chipp� une robe � 30$ parce qu'elle me plaisait mais que je ne voulais pas la payer, j'�tais cass�, et puis le go�t de l'interdit, c'�tait si facile, trop facile, retourn� � la maison, march� 45 minutes sous la pluie et dans le froid et la nuit parce que personne ne nous a fait de lift malgr� mon petit pocue point� aux cieux, mang�, dormi, r�veill�, mang� encore, fait un million d'appels t�l�phonniques, appris comment T n'�tait plus malade finalement et qu'il m'avait manqu� de deux minutes en me rappelant, tri� mes v�tements pour en donn� � R, et renvoy� ma copine chez elle. Pour plus de passionants et juteux d�tails, laissez moi une note ou envoyez moi un e-mail. Je vais l'ajouter ici. Faire un peu de m�nage dans ma barre de liens.


Vous connaissez C'est ce site pleins de test et d'idioties (bien connu pour ses sparknotes et son sparkmatch, du reste) qui professe comme le Canada suce et dont l'humour est parfois douteux. Et bien, tombant un peu par hasard sur un de leurs r�cents test, je l'ai pass� et ai obtenu un r�sulta l�g�rement amusant. C'�tait le "gender test". Et je leur ai �cris une lettre. Vous connaissez s�rement leurs courtoisie l�gendaire � l'encontre de toute personnes prof�rant une opinion divergeant de la leur. Et vous vous d�lectez inmanuqablement de la finesse de leur sarcasme et de leur moquerie. Alors voici donc cette lettre:

Hi spark-staff,

I stopped visiting several months ago because frankly, saying Canada sucks annoyed me quite a lot. I won't make any comments about how the USA compare to our suckiness, I'll just leave it to say that I stopped coming to your site because of that, and iIwon't argue further because it would be rather sterile .(Now honestly, how *useful* is it to be told a bunch of mean insults and cheap sarcasm in reply when i know it'll be what i receive?)

But anyway, I didn't started to write this mail because of that, this remark was simply meant to be my introduction.

I just wanted to talk about the results i got in the gender test, because i'm a loser with no friends and need a confident. ( admit you could have told me that back if i have sent hate mail: from most of your replies i read, i could note a certain pattern... not to say you're stereotyped... but... anyway). Seriously, the test said i was a woman, but still the statistic cluster thingy put me right in the middle and I was in the white section of the blue-red male/female scale.

I'm not saying this to report an error or anything, I suspect there must be some cookie left on my system of my sparkmatch days, or that i responded maybe slightly more in a feminine way than in a male one...

No, I wanted to muse about what feminity and masculinity meant.

Lastly, I've come to the conclusion most of it is a bunch of somehow outdated conventions about gender differences... I've personnaly had the chance to be raised not upon preconceptions but upon experiences (my mom didn't told me i had to wear a skirt if i didn't want to, and my father didn't laugh at me when i told ihim i wanted to be a pilot (that happened once) or a scientist), and thus have formed my own way of thinking, wich cannot really be deemed by what i have between my legs. (it's a vagina and a vulva. I like them both a lot. They're my friends. I'm not ashamed of them.)

Now, i know you haven't asked such question as "how may items you have in your bathroom" or "do you like mechanic", now, that would have been stupid. But as you said, deep down, those *conventions* influences who we are.

And i was rather pleased to see myself in the middle. Neither male or female. Just... plain... me.

So right now, i'm just gloating about how my theory was right. I'm simply intellectually mastubarting, right now. And it feels good, if you want to know. I personally like the word "moist" a lot. I would much rather fall than drown. And I know you don't care. Most of the time, in the replies you guys make to your "hate" mail (even if this is not hate mail... who knows with you, anyway?), you say you don't. (I'm using you in a general way here, I suppose: I dont have a name or several names to call out. Moreover, as I have previously stated, I'm extremely outdated about thespark's life. Too bad you have to alienate Canadians, really. Not my problem.). And neither do I, really. I guess I just love speaking, and communicating, and writing. And I thought I'd let you know. And I thought I'd post this and your reply on my little blog. Just because my few readers love my musings.

So have a good day, and I'm curious to see if I will have stirred venom, sarcasm (that would be deserved: this letter if full of it, and so am I) and hostility... I'm always surprised by people's reaction.

That's if you take the time to reply.

Oh, and you can pick on my spelling/phrasing if you feel like doing so. I'm french! And i'm very serene.

sincerely yours,


(PS I even proofread it a little for your pleasure! I must love you a lot, now, musn't I?)

Je posterai leur r�ponse!


N'importe quoi.

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